Subscribe to our Newsletter(s)
Get up-to-date information about Tulsa's tourism industry including news, events, and networking opportunities. Choose from a variety of monthly newsletter options. Unsubscribe at any time.
• Monthly Guided Tour - Sample here.
Monthly newsletter from the President of Tulsa Regional Tourism, providing insights on region-wide tourism developments.
• Tulsa Awareness Group (TAG) - Sample here.
Monthly snapshot of large events (500+ attendees) in the Tulsa region to provide 2-month out insights for community awareness/preparedness.
• FMAC Monthly: Creative Industries Newsletter - Sample here.
Monthly newsletter from the Tulsa Office of Film, Music, Arts & Culture (FMAC) providing insights on region-wide film, music & arts developments.
• TID Bits
Monthly communications for Tulsa's Tourism Improvement District (TID) including assessment collections, performance, benefits and opt-in/election timelines.